

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 2016/08/07 Part4

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 : overview
at Tokyo Big Sight

NVIDIA Jetson プラットフォーム Meet-up #03 2016/07/29 Part2

Jetson TK1/TX1 Information Update by Mr. Yato (Nvidia)
ROS Introduction on Jetson by Mr. Bonghi from Italy
HDMI unit with Jetson by Mr. Kuga (Avermeda) from Taiwan



Fish and Eat

Fishing Niseue
Type : Fish pond restaurant
Price : Rental fish rod 100yen
If you catch Trout, you have to buy it per 100grams 250yen
Cooking price all per 500grams : Fried 600yenGrilled 600yen
Nanban pickled 1000yen
  Open: 9:00 - sunset April to November
 Tel : 01457-3-3134
Location : 68-4, Aza Iwachishi, Biratori- cho, Saru gun, Hokkaido, Japan

What is Tomato Parfait ?

Tsubaki Salon Sanset Hidaka : overview
Type : Cafeteria
can also select with some pasta, etc.
Price: Tomato parfait 800yen
Caramel and nuts  parfait 800yen
  Open: 11:00 - sunset
 Tel & Fax : 0146-47-6888
Location : 77-1, Okaribe, Niikappu cho, Niikappu gun, Hokkaido

Ocean view, can see beautiful sunset.

Tomato pafait !!!

Caramel and nuts  parfait

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 2016/08/07 Part5

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 : overview
at Tokyo Big Sight

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 2016/08/07 Part3

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 : overview
at Tokyo Big Sight

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 2016/08/07 Part2

Maker Faire Tokyo 2016 : overview
at Tokyo Big Sight